Get started viral, with professionally produced web clips

In addition to corporate films and commercials, web videos are becoming ever more important as a means of advertising, as media consumption has changed fundamentally in recent years. GOOD FOR YOU! After all, it has never been possible to target advertising as precisely as it is today.

This doesn't go without effect: the conversion rate of online customers is 64% to 85% higher after they have watched at a product-service or image video, in average they stay on your website 2 minutes longer  and your offline sales benefit massively from video content marketing as well. Engage your audience in the most effective way possible - through emotional, high-resolution, energy-charged, high quality videos.

Web clips mostly are short videos that do not describe the whole company like an image film, but show individual areas or offers in a nutshell. For example, special deals and services can be promoted using web clips.


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